Saturday, February 2, 2019

Population Explosion – 3

Continues from previous post –

Now soon we are going to vote for our next government. All parties are preparing their respective agendas for their next five-year term. Bharatiya Janata Party that is controlled by R.S.S a dubious organization pretending to be a so called Hindu organization controlled by Brahman and Jain groups. We had their rule for last five years. We saw the way they work. Their double standards we have observed. Their experiment in demonetization we have seen. How it rebounded on them even though they are not ready to accept the failure of that experiment. Political parties are supposed to try various means to resolve national issues and that is not wrong but if the experiment has failed they must accept that their visualization was wrong. No body is perfect and we as mature people know that none of our so called experts is true expert. After the failure of demonetization, they introduced GST a concept that has been rejected by most governments world over. Unfortunately, this BJP government does not have open mindedness to admit that they are coming with all outdated ideas. Their trust in their half educated or rather bookish economists is profound. They believe that whatever goes wrong they can adjust by increasing tax burden of people. This is a criminal way of taxing people to cover up for their mistakes. They depend on their propaganda machinery to fool ignorant people by imposing some ideas, which are not proven. They provide doubtful statistics to justify their claims. BJP is a fanatically controlled party primarily managed by RSS group. I say group because RSS comprises of around 122 different organizations directly as well as indirectly manned by RSS trained people.

Now let us see what their new programs are for the next five years. They have taken our excessive population growth very seriously. Therefore, I was told by somebody from the organization that, they will bring vasectomy operations for men from mainly unintelligent communities. The reason we have discussed in my previous post. By that, our country's growing unintelligent population may be controlled. They have adequately observed that intelligent communities have been practicing family planning since long and as result; their population is dwindling in a very serious manner. It is feared that a time may come when India will have all moron population. Our intellectuals will be also moron, our judges, police force, administration all people will be unintelligent. If that will happen our country's future will be in grave danger. They have a list of communities' men who will be forcibly operated to reduce population. I shall give that list in my next post.

We shall continue to discuss about BJP agenda for next five years in my next post.

We shall continue this topic in the next post.

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