Friday, April 5, 2019

Population Explosion – 5

Continues from previous post –
Recent information about political parties' approach to resolve our economic problem shows some very interesting aspects about their thinking on two issues, controlling population and improving quality of people. It is observed that large population of moron is being added to the burden of our population. This is happening because, ordinary people of no quality are producing children of low intelligence, low other abilities such as skills, capacity to work etc.

The party considers that if nasbandi is introduced amongst those people who are of low qualities production of low quality people will be controlled. At the same time to encourage people with high quality to produce children. When this policy introduced in the country, only quality people will be allowed to produce children and people of low or bad quality will not be able to add to population. Over a period, this will show that India has quality people and population controlled so that will help improve our economy.

However, there are problems in encouraging quality people to produce more children. One approximation suggests that the quality people in our country is about 3 to 5% of total population and being quality and therefore, conscious of their national responsibilities they have already accepted the policy of producing only one or two or some consider not to produce at all. Because of this awareness, the existing population of quality people is fast dwindling at alarming rate. These are people with much sense of responsibility and when a few years ago our government requested people to control population there were the ones of took initiative and began to practice population control.

On the other hand, low quality as well as bad quality people having given no attention to the appeal of government to practice family planning their number is increasing incessantly and enormously. If this continues this way a time will not bev too far when we shall have our country made of only morons and no people of quality present to manage the country, our public institutions will be in the hands of such stupid people so that much harm will be done to our countries good.

We shall discuss these difficult points in my next post.

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