Sunday, December 18, 2016

Where Angels fear to trade… part 3

Continued from previous post –

All tall claims made by our government in many advertisements that this earning is used in development of the country are false. One expert told me that the total earning from income tax goes to make payment of salaries and other expenses of that department of Income tax. That means this tax is of no use as a development component.

I wish our government showed the details of revenue earning of all different taxes we as citizens pay. Largely the indirect taxes are the main component in government earning.

Suppose personal income tax is removed, our government shall have lost about 2% in total revenue. As against that, people will have no pressure on them about that tax and that will give great relief to earning citizens. They will have all the money to them and they will spend it the way they want. They can keep that earning in their banks without any mental torture. They will spend it on various issues such as food, relaxing, tours, visiting restaurants, enjoying that money the way the want. All these expenditures are coming under indirect taxes of some or the other type. We know our rates for these indirect taxes are very high. Therefore, total earning of our government by that will more than compensate for that lose due to waiving of income tax. Some experts believe that actually earning of government will increase by about 4% if that comes out then removing income tax will prove a better decision.

Since personal income tax is abolished, the problem of black money is also removed. People working for income tax department will be given work on other jobs government has, and so that will not be any big issue.

As for corruption in society, it is a very different subject. Black money has nothing to do with that. Our government is deliberately mixing these two different subjects to confuse people. Gullible citizens can be confused and fooled by that. When personal income tax removed black money, issue will not exist but corruption will continue to pester our economy. Citizens should not allow government to fool them and demand that government should stop fooling them.

Income from corruption will also become white income after income tax abolished. Those people can keep that money in banks and spend it the way they want without fear. They can also invest that money in market and by that government will definitely benefit. Various activities due to this money earned by corrupt means will add to earning in GST. That shall more than compensate for lose due to personal income tax removal. Country can also benefit by such investments. Nobody will keep that earning in homes and hide it from the mainstream economics of the state. There are several advantages from that. This will over the period, prove that personal income tax was a wrong proposition. Many countries do not have personal income tax. We should study the economic activity of those countries to understand how without this tax they manage their economics.

Most of the economists with whom I discussed this subject, finally agreed that personal income tax is a measure hurdle in the development of our country. Our country will progress more swiftly if this terror tax is completely abolished and freedom of people assured by that. However, this will reduce the capacity of government in controlling people. Black mailing opposition and antagonist element will be more difficult. Nevertheless, if the government is fair then this should not be any issue.

We shall try to understand causes of corruption, how black money is not directly concerned with corruption in next post.

This serial will continue in next post –

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