Sunday, June 28, 2015

Islam and Yoga

Presently, we are talking a lot about Yoga, supposed to be one of the premier practices, that is attributed to our ancient culture. Some activists from Muslim community want to oppose practice of Yoga because they claim that Yoga practice is against Islam.

In this post, I want to show that Prophet (PBUH) Mohammad had very intelligently integrated some basic Yogic Asanas or we may say postures in their daily prayer called namaz.

According to Islamic practices, it is recommended that every Muslim must perform namaz five times every day. One prayer is made of minimum eight rakats and maximum any numbers. Rakat, comprises of six positions. First it is standing posture second is bending in waist and third bending touching forehead to ground fourth is sitting on ground and fifth is to look on two side in that posture without moving body. All postures one will perform in order as given. After completing one rakat of five positions, he begins by first posture and start second rakat. After completing set of rakats at the end of the last rakat he/she will look to left side without changing his sitting posture and then to right this he/she can do as many time as he/she wants and then with this fifth position the prayer is complete. During these movements, prayer continues in mind or whisper but not aloud.

That shows that each namaz prayer comprises of many sets of these postures performed every day for at least five times daily if the person is a namazee. For an ordinary Muslim at least three times prayer with namaz is essential as per advise of experts.

We may understand that these postures recommended by Prophet are actually Yogic postures. First posture is called Utithasan second posture is called Utrasana and third posture is called Yoga mudra (2) then fourth is vajarasan. fifth posture Uttakatasana Lastly, he/she looks to two sides that act is known as shadasana. By combining them in a sequence, a complete prayer act for one rakat is performed. Prophet has integrated Yoga postures as a part of Islamic prayer practice. He has done it knowingly or unknowingly but this shows that Yoga has been part of this ideology ever since its concept. Only it is not mentioned as Yoga; may be because Arabs are not civilized enough to understand the intricacies of such a high tech practice. We often see that people who do prayers in this manner keep good health. Probably it is due to inclusion of yoga mudras in that prayer. A Namazee prays five times each time at least twelve rakats that means he/she performs unknowingly a lot of Yogic practice daily. This helps him/her keep good health. Funny part is that these Namazees do not know that they have become yogis by this practice. Every namazee is a Yogi and so opposing Yoga appears to be very strange. I feel those who oppose it are averse to word Yoga, that is all the problem!

Opposing yoga is a sign of the fact that those who oppose do not know the usefulness of this practice. Today we know all those positions those help us tone up our nervous system and other hormone secreting glands. As a result, person keeps good health. By making this an issue they will be making their own loss.

A few more things I wish to share with my readers. Yoga is a type of exercise that improves functions of our nervous system. It also improves functioning of hormone secreting glands. Prophet Mohammad has chosen basic postures through Namaz however; it is good to understand other postures also, we are lucky that we have all the important postures with us. It will be foolish to reject this science only because it is from Hindu tradition. We have taken computers, mobiles, airplanes and many more none Islamic things just because they benefit then why not take the Yoga and benefit by it. I hope better sense shall prevail with Muslims and they accept Yoga to improve their health without spending any money! Medical science suggests that if our hormone secretion is properly maintained and with that our nervous system kept in perfect condition we shall never fall sick by any disease moreover, as these two things are in perfect condition our immune system also works to its utmost efficiency.

One point that is more important, I want to mention about present trend in the Yoga teachings. It is not a good trend and so I wish that we take note of it. Many Yoga teachers including famous Ramdev have introduced their tailor made postures, which are not part of authentic Yogic discipline. Most of them have no particular helping effect in improving our nervous system and functioning of hormone secreting gland. They are actually acrobatics and not yoga. To save yoga from this pollution from acrobatics we should be ready to question them. Authentic Yoga asanas are about 68 with their alternative postures. Please, remember in authentic Yoga mudra there is no motion involved while in acrobatics motion is involved. Authentic Yoga mudra (asana) is static and that is important in improving our nervous system. Particular nerves are pressed by those positions and they are kept in pressed condition that helps improve system both of hormone secretion glands as well as nervous. Each asana yogi will keep for at least 30 seconds but not more. Another important point that I wish to point out to my readers is that not all positions one need practice. In accordance with the particular health condition person should select his/her set of Yogic mudras and do them daily. Surya namskar is a set of six mudras (Utithasan, Utrasana, Ushtrasan, Bhujangasan, Dandasan, Ushtrasan) given by our sages as most useful for all persons. Prophet Mohammad has given other set of mudras for his followers. That is also called namaz meaning, namskar. A good yoga teacher can help in selecting the most appropriate set of mudras for you if you are lucky to have a knowledgeable yoga teacher.

Among all yoga mudras, Pranayam is the most dangerous one and so please as far as possible try to avoid it. In place of it do So-Hum pranayam. So-Hum is sound that we create due to breathing. "So", sound is created when we breathe in and when breathe out we make a sound "Hum". Therefore, it has nothing to do with any religion or language! So-Hum pranayam means, do breathing as naturally as possible without any special strains but important aspect of it is that while doing So-Hum pranayam you shall not think of anything, only concentrate all your attention on breathing. While performing So-Hum you will not chant it by using your vocal cord but listen to the sound generated by breathing, this is important. Let the breathing be absolutely, natural. Among Buddhi tradition this is called Vipasyana. It is also called So-Hum Sadhana and it is first step towards meditation. Prefer to practice So-Hum pranayam in place where there is absolute silence to get best results. I do it when I go to sleep. While doing it you go into sleep mode and that gives you a very sound sleep and that improves your health.

Interesting part of So-Hum Sadhana is that, it is habit forming. That means, in the beginning it is difficult to practice but once you have learned to concentrate your attention on your natural breathing and enter into thoughtless state that becomes your second nature and you will go into that mode anytime, anywhere. If you reach such a level you have entered into the spiritual yoga practice automatically. It is worth trying. Yoga is a part of spiritualism and not any religion. You believe in god or not you can practice So-Hum Yoga. However, we should note that the symbol of Hindu spiritual tradition "Oum" is short form of So-Hum. This shows how fundamental it is to Hindus.

There is one other similar practice believed to have invented by one Yogi Shivananda; in those yoga mudras yogi presses his palms on each other in the posture. This yoga is called in scientific terms, isometric exercise. This yoga helps in improving your muscles and particularly recommended for women. This is a static exercise similar to Hatta Yoga. The mudras given in this practice do not help improve our hormone secretion gland and nervous system.
I hope this information will help my readers (particularly Muslims) in case they want to practice Yoga in their daily routine.

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