Monday, May 30, 2016

Dogs of Arabs - 2

Continued from the previous post –

To understand what happened during the last days of Prophet we should know the details of what was happening amongst the Companions of Mohammad. Mohammad was absolutely and steadfastly insistent on the command that only Arabs will be Muslims and no other community shall ever be converted to Islam just for the sake of power and riches. Mohammad's visualization of ideal Arabia for Arabs was not based on conquering other nations but concentrating on the true nature of Arabs and that is trading. Arabs had been traders for the nearby nations and far away countries by bringing the goods of value and use and exchanging it for gold. Prophet himself was in it until he began to get convulsions and visions of God and Gabriel, which ultimately resulted in his realizing the message of Gabriel.

Today we see that only one sheikhdom is practicing what Mohammed wanted all Arabs to practice and that is Sheikhdom of Dubai. All others have deviated from that dream of their prophet. Particularly Saudi is most deviated Sheikhdom in them.

To go back to what had happened during the last days of Mohammad we find from Jewish and Christian records that there was big scuffle among the followers of Mohammad and slaves of Abu-Bkr and Uthman. Among the companions, these two were most influential and financially powerful, many important companions such as Umar were employed by them in their business, and so finally, money power won over the faith of these companions. In that process, as Abu-Bkr realized that at no point of time Mohammad will ever accept their suggestion to convert non-Arabs to Islam. He decide to get rid of Mohammad at the earliest so that they will convert non-Arabs to Islam to swell the number of Muslims and then to recruit them in the gazwa (Arab army) and begin the conquest of other countries in the Persian Sassanid Empire. He also wanted to attack part of Byzantine Empire to control all business routes to Europe. This required a large army and number of Arabs was not large enough so that only on the strength of Arabs they can achieve it.

Arabs were not so much interested in Salvation the way we Hindus could be, they were interested in money and woman. Prophet had promised them these two things in heaven if they keep praying for their god Allah. Abu-Bkr and Uthman began to promise them these two things right here in this birth if they conquer these places. This policy worked well. However, to make it possible first Mohammad must die and for that, he told his daughter, Aisha who was also one wife of Mohammad to get the custody of her husband and make him stay with her. Aisha was an ambitious woman much like her father she agrees to poison her husband as per what her father had planned. That was achieved without any difficulty. Mohammad began to stay with Aisha. Eventually, she began to poison her husband with arsenic. Amongst Arabs of that, time use of arsenic to kill daughters was a common practice and so that poison was used. As the effects of that poison became evident, experienced old Arab men and women became suspicious and began to question Aisha about that. In some records, Jews have mentioned that on that, there were common quarrels within the companions of prophet accusing her of poisoning him, Umar's daughter and other wife of Prophet, Hafsa bint Umar wanted custody of Mohammad as being his wife and offered to look after him better. Abu-Bkr refused that and the custody of prophet continued with Aisha. Occasionally prophet would mediate and cool them down, since he was not aware of those facts. He had total faith in his wife and he told them all that, it is their misgiving and his ailment is due to old age.

Finally, that time came when Mohammad realized that his time has come. He gave a last sermon to his followers and in that, he specifically mentioned that Islam is the legacy of his people, which means Arabs. He also repeated in that Islam and their god Allah are for Arabs. This last sermon irked Abu-Bkr and Uthman since it was against their plans to refuse to admit the limits of that religion.

This topic shall continue in next post.

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